Life and Writing

Life likes to get in the way of writing. It happens. A lot.

Life also provides inspiration for writing. It is kind of a yin yang thing. Yes it interrupts; pets pass away, kids have piano lessons or need to go to the library, grocery shopping must be done.  However, it all so teases us with glimpses of magic; full moons shining on water, a single rose on a bush, or even a blue jay on the window sill.

We grumble when things don’t always go our way. It’s natural. ( Lately I feel like the sole purpose for my existence is to prove Murphy’s Law exists.)  All we can do is to keep moving forward and remember that whatever is going on now will pass, and after does maybe we will be able to look back a see a gem we can use in the future either in our writing or just in living.

Published by: thecoffeefox

Once upon a time there was a woman who was a writer. She was either cursed or blessed from birth to be so and there was much debate on which it was. One day a very discouraging (and not very original) person told her not to give up her day job. The woman smiled and said that was a wonderful idea. Following the unwittingly clever advice of her critic, the woman found a job working nights, which left her days free to write. Even better, the night job had an unusual schedule which packed two weeks worth of work into one, so the writer was able to have every other week off to sit on her front porch, daydream, and of course write. However, working at night and writing during the day left little time for sleep, so the poor writer occasionally went a little mad, but she decided it was an acceptable price to pay to be able to continue following her curse-blessing. Also she likes tea. :)

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